Nutty Nut facts

From Virgin Coconut Oil, Desiccated Coconut, Coconut Milk Powder and High Fibre Coconut Flour the team at TM Duche are crazy for Coconuts!

So, who better than the experts to bring you some fun and fascinating Coconut facts…. read on and enjoy

  • The name coconut is derived from 16th century Portuguese sailors who thought the 3 small holes on the coconut shell resembled the human face so dubbed the fruit “coco” meaning “grinning face, grin, or grimace” The word nut was added in English later on’
  • There are more than 20 billion coconuts produced each year
  • Coconut oil was the world’s leading vegetable oil until soybean oil took over in the 1960’s’
  • The coconut does not get dispersed like other drupe fruits (through consumption by wildlife). Instead the coconut palm disperses its seed using the ocean. A coconut is very buoyant and highly water resistant and can travel very long distances across the ocean
  • The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) can grow up to 30 m (98 ft) tall and the leave fronds 4–6 m (13.1–19.7 ft.) long
  • Coconut milk is not the same as coconut water. Coconut milk has a high fat content of around 17%, but is low in sugars. It is frequently added to curries and other savoury dishes. Coconut cream can also be created from the milk
  • Falling coconuts kill 150 people every year – 10 times the number of people killed by sharks
  • Coconut Water Can Be Used as a Substitute for Blood Plasma
  • The white, fleshy part of the coconut seed is called coconut meat. It has high amounts of Manganese, Potassium, and Copper. The meat is used fresh or dried in cooking, especially in confections and desserts such as macaroons
  • The coconut palm is grown in over 80 countries. The top 3 coconut producing countries in 2010 were the Philippines, Indonesia and India
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